Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday, May 18, 2009

BAKING "My New Hobby"

Cheese cake with resberry topping

Carrot Cake with cream cheese topping

Cheese cup cakes with blue berry toppings
Baking been a pleasure for me lately. It's been a new hobby that I picked up.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Warning : I have an attitude and I know how to use it

Last week an event did not turn out the way I hoped and expected. Don't sweat the small stuff I told myself. And yea, it wasn't a big deal really. But to me, small things matter so much. I can't explain why.
And this particular incident, although seemingly insignificant made me sad. I was disappointed and frustrated. I tried to push it aside instead of allowing myself to turn into the drama queen that I am (hey, I didn't ask to be this way). So I told myself, "Hema let it be...." .
I missed all my good old days with Pu Ei, Nanthu, Guna, Superman, Hitler, Uncle and Sharin. We used to have so much fun. I remember few incidents which will stay forever in my memory. Pu Ei took the wrong lane to send me home and we both parked the car at LRT station because we can't drive back home, Guna once puke right infront of my condo and Superman who supposed to rescue me within 5 second only came after half and hour. It makes me feel so good to think about all the fun I used to have. We never laugh or label people for their drinking habits and the most important thing is the gal and the guys are treated as equal. We simply don't speak about the past and we only think about how to have more fun in the future.
Moral of the story is don't drink because you have the bottle infront of you rather choose who you want to drink with because you want to have fun and carry out the good memory forever. Any Tom, Dick and Harry can be the typical person who will not be able to
substain the level of fun.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009